Through the course of Dante and Virgil thus far, Dante seems to have many reoccurring reactions and emotions. When the story opens with Dante in the dark woods, he is very confused. He says that he does not recall how he got there. The opening location of the epic poem already foreshadows many of Dante's emotions. The darkness and uncertainty of the woods reflects how Date feels. I also feel as if Dante seems very eager to press forward with Virgil. Dante says, "Poet, by that of God to you unknown, lead me this way. Beyond this present ill and worse to dread, lead me to Peter's gate..."(8.) He wants Virgil to lead him through the labyrinth of Hell so that he can proceed to Heaven.
As Dante moves through the different circles of Hell, upon the many different humans and creatures Dante meets, he feels pity. With the Virtuous Pagans, he feels sad that they can never advance into Heaven. In Circle two, when he meets the lustful, he is told many stories of the people. Dante sates, " the other spirit, who stood by her, wept piteously, I felt my senses reel and faint away with anguish," (40). Dante feels such sorrow for the spirits in Hell. Virgil, on the other hand tries to make Dante realize that he should feel pity for the people because they chose to do the sin that got them into Hell in the first place.
Another thing that Dante does frequently is swoon. He passes out constantly. I believe that this is from being overwhelmed over everything around you that a person never knew existed. Dante becomes inundated with the pity for the people, the things he has seen going on around him, fear for what will happen next. Dantes mental state cannot handle it, so it chooses to shut off the body.
Your post is well-written and cohesive overall with some good evidence. Big thing is that you do not explore the entire prompt which asks you to consider Dante's emotional state from Dark Woods thru Circle 5. How do we see Dante's emotional state change in Circle 5? This is a very important part of this question.